Apr 14, 2010

Like, Love and Don't Like

This week, I like that Tiger Woods’ approval rating is plummeting. He told us that he was going to return to his Buddhist foundation and do a better job of keeping his temper in check on the course. Well, it didn’t take long to see that his pledge didn’t stick. In his dramatic return, Tiger was seen throwing clubs and heard using the Lord’s name in vain on multiple occasions. (By the way, what is up with that? He’s Buddhist yet slurs my God? I don’t think so, chump.) Tiger did more to hurt himself than help and a win by good-guy Phil Mickelson was icing on the cake. NIKE can’t drop him now. They’re stuck with him. If you read blogs and comments on articles then it is easy to see that Tiger’s supporters are vanishing quickly. I'll wager that he won’t be gaining new sponsors anytime soon. It is refreshing to see that some people still have their values intact. Now if we could only get the ball rolling on a steroid inquiry…

This week, I love knowing that it is all downhill from here. Julie and I celebrate our first wedding anniversary this weekend! It is hard to believe that it has already been 1 year. I’ve loved every minute of it. My love for Julie is like the Hoover Dam: it gets stronger every day. When we got married, everyone told us that the first year is the hardest. Well, shoot! Our first year has been gravy so I’m glad to know that the years that follow will be even smoother! LOVE YOU JULIE! I’ve got an idea for when we renew our vows!

This week, I don’t like LOST. There…I said it. I’m just going to say that, as the conclusion of this once-fine television show nears, LOST is shaping up for a major letdown. There are a lot of people out there that are more faithful than me but their spin on the recent episodes are really stretching it. I just figure that if I go ahead and give up hope for a great ending now, I’ll be all the more satisfied if the shoe actually does have a great, mind-blowing ending. And if it doesn’t, my feelings won’t be hurt as badly.


Today is DAY 6 and I noticed that my flexibility in the joint nearest my finger tip has somewhat returned. No pain, unless I bump the cut. The swelling has gone way down and my stitches appear very "loose". I go back to have the stitches removed tomorrow (April 15). I bet I could do it myself but I don't want to perform my inaugural surgery on my own hand. Know what I mean Vern?

I hope they give me some "what now?" instructions after the stitches are out. I've kept the cut dry, just like I was told. But the tip of my finger feels like I dipped it in paint and allowed it to dry. I hope I'll be able to clean it up and get that black stuff out of there too. I think it is dried blood. If you've got any tips, please send them my way.

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