Look, I don't like the outcome of these stories any more than you do. But I do want to share the examples they create with as many people as I can. Greed is the numero uno reason why the country's economy is in the tank. So...don't try to stretch a gift (or blessing) any more than it can be stretched.
This week, I love this week. This week is the best sports week of the year. I'm not sure if the stars line up like this every year but let's recap: we've had the Final Four*, Major League Baseball's opening day AND the Masters all in one week! How great is that?!?!
This week, I don't like pollen. Ugh. I don't know if I'm noticing it more because I'm older or because I'm indoors most of the day or what. But the pollen in Bammerham is getting to me! When I leave work each day, my mouth, nose and eyes fall victim to the pollen outside. My truck is yellow. Even the cat lady is wearing a mask when she feeds her cats at various locations throughout our neighborhood. The forecast is calling for some rain tonight so maybe that will help.
This week, I love this week. This week is the best sports week of the year. I'm not sure if the stars line up like this every year but let's recap: we've had the Final Four*, Major League Baseball's opening day AND the Masters all in one week! How great is that?!?!
This week, I don't like pollen. Ugh. I don't know if I'm noticing it more because I'm older or because I'm indoors most of the day or what. But the pollen in Bammerham is getting to me! When I leave work each day, my mouth, nose and eyes fall victim to the pollen outside. My truck is yellow. Even the cat lady is wearing a mask when she feeds her cats at various locations throughout our neighborhood. The forecast is calling for some rain tonight so maybe that will help.
*GO DUKE!!!!!

This is not the first I have heard of the aftermath of Extreme Makeover Home Edition. Sadly, you are right - greed has gotten in the way. It truly is a shame!