This week, I like scaring Julie. It's not some evil pleasure. I like scaring Julie because it helps heighten her awareness of her surroundings and possible intruders. I've had years of practice in scaring people as I mastered the art at my mother's expense. Consequently, I learned how to dodge a punch thanks to my mother. Julie still has a long way to go as far as her reactions are concerned. Hopefully, I will be able to film some of these training sessions to share with you. Julie's typical reactions make these look extremely weak.
This week, I love the arrival of college football. It honestly feels like the national title game was just a few weeks ago. And if you think about it, the season will be over before we know it. So we'll have to savor every moment that we can! I want to go on the record as saying Auburn will finish 11-1 in the regular season this year (fluke loss to LSU). It's going to be a special season with lots of good games. There's so many side stories too, as I've mentioned in past posts. I stick by my claims and look forward to seeing how it all unfolds!
This week, I don't like not having a go-to TV show. When I'm not scaring her, I like to watch TV with my wife. Our relationship began and bloomed thanks to LOST and we absolutely love Friday Night Lights. But we're currently without a good, go-to TV show. Part of this problem stems from conflicting interests (I have picked some real stinkers on Netflix lately that Julie didn't enjoy) and also the lack of good shows to be watched. Got any suggestions?
It is so hard to believe that it really has been 10 years since I graduated from high school! I know many of you have just had your reunions as well so you know what I am talking about. Time goes by so fast.
Now before any of you pass any judgements on the number of people in the pictures below please keep in mind that there were only 23 people in my graduating class so the fact that we had 14 people come means we had over 60% in attendance!
All in all it was a nice evening. As Nick mentioned previously the reunion was held at the new Wind Creek Casino in Atmore. We enjoyed a nice dinner and had a great time catching up with each other. In a class of only 23 you get pretty close (especially those of us who were together from Kindergarten - 12th grade).
Group Picture
I couldn't believe it, but the boys out numbered the girls!
Nick was such a trooper. It is never any fun to go to someone else's reunion, but he had a great attitude.
This week, I like doing yardwork. I've used this one before, I know. But I've got a special project in mind and I can't wait to get started. I'll spare the details of the project but I will say that I'm looking forward to being handy again. I haven't worked on a project in a long time. Here's a few "before" pictures.
This week, I love how the PGA Championship ended. How about that drama?! See what can happen when El Tigre isn't always winning? The young guns can shine through! Even without that stupid bunker controversey, that was a dang good final round! I'm glad for the PGA Championship itself. It's always been the lesser-known of the majors. But with the finishes it has seen the last 2 years, this major is building some serious credibility.
This week, I don't like drivers that text. I'm not trying to be funny here folks: you shouldn't text and drive. What is so important that requires you to offset the responsibility of operating a rapidly moving vehicle that weighs several thousands of pounds? I see this more and more each passing day and I am highly offended. If you drive and text, please stop. Not just for your safety but for mine too. Don't think texting and driving is as bas as drunk driving?
Here's hoping that Alabama will follow Kentucky's lead and ban texting and driving...and ENFORCE it! I AM AN OLD MAN!! AAARRRGG!
This week, I like Alfred Hitchcock Presents. I stumbled upon this TV show when I also stumbled upon a cable channel called Retro Television Network (RTN). This is a great show - not because of the acting or the props or sets but because of the stories. Each episode features characters in complex situations and an unexpected twist at the end of the story. The show lasted 10 seasons and split time on CBS and NBC. I've added the first season to our Instant Netflix queue. Here's a clip:
RTN also features shows like The A Team, The Jack Benny Show, and Airwolf. I had not seen Airwolf since reruns of that show were aired on USA Network when I was a kid. Unlike Alfred Hitchcock Presents, Airwolf was a very bad show that relied on visuals of the famous helicopter in action. If this show was ever a hit, it sure wasn't because of the acting or the storylines! Look at this!
This week, I love Wind Creek Casino. I'm not a gambler and don't like Wind Creek Casino for its gaming. I like it's hotel and accomodations and what I think it could mean for the Atmore community. Julie's 10 year (!!!) high school reunion was this past weekend. We stayed at the Wind Creek Casino hotel. I was blown away at how nice this place is. The rooms were swank and the food was wonderful! And this place was BOOMING with customers too. It will be very interesting to see how the gambling issue comes into play in the upcoming state elections.
Here's a shot of our room.
Here's a shot of the parking lot outside of our room. Looks like they have room for a golf course!
Here's a shot of the hotel from the parking lot. 17 stories! It definitely sticks out on the horizon!
We were supposed to get some gaming credits as first-time visitors. That didn't work for some reason but that didn't stop Julie from checking out the machines. LOTS of people in the casino on a Saturday night.
This week, I don't like outdated sales techniques. I get junk email sent to me constantly ("Nick" apparently translates to "Nathan" or "Nory" in different countries), my company fax machine is bombarded with health insurance and cruise ship offers and Julie and I still receive at least one telemarketing call a night. Do these attempts work? I mean, who looks at a faxed page about sketchy crusies and says, "Yes! Sign me up!"? I used to be a telemarketer in college (Worst. Job. Ever.) so I can see how those guys might still have some luck. But you know...these pesky emails, faxes and phone calls would not continue to be sent out unless someone out there falls for them.
My sister joined Julie and me on a trip to North Carolina this past weekend to attend the 2010 McIntyre family reunion. My mother is from Burlington, NC, and her family gathers every other year. We three met my parents in North Carolina. Burlington is very near Durham so to kill some time one day, Julie, my sister, my Dad and I drove over to the Duke University campus. It was a rainy, grey Saturday so we took it upon ourselves to park the car and walk around a bit.
We saw the Duke University Chapel, posed for pictures outside of Cameron Indoor Stadium, visited the Duke football facility and stopped by a merchandise store. As we were walking back to the car to leave, I noticed a familiar face walking our way. It was Nolan Smith, member of the 2009-'10 National Champion Duke mens basketball team! I was pretty proud of myself for staying composed as I asked him to take a quick picture with me. Julie was Johnny-on-the-spot with the camera.
I follow Nolan on Twitter and regularly visit his blog. He was very nice and I think Julie took a great picture! Perhaps good enough for our Christmas card this year. He was very polite too...he answered all of my questions with "yes, sir". That made me feel kinda old but I just have to accept the fact that it is a good thing that some people his age possess such manners. Nolan is entering his senior year at Duke and I can't wait for next season!