This week, I like sticking to my weight loss plan. I've cut back on my portions with the exception of some ice cream at night. But, that's getting better too. No signs of change in the pants department yet but thanks to those of you that have given me lots of support. Please keep it up as I am still getting disapproving looks from Julie. Just kidding!
This week, I love that my employer will be giving us the day after Thanksgiving and Christmas off in addition to the actual holiday. This is huge news and much appreciated! Having this extra day with family is going to be awesome! Can't wait for that ChristmasStory marathon to start! Best line of the movie? I think we can all agree that prize goes to: "Ah! Must be Italian!".
This week, I don't like the weird bills that keep randomly showing up in our mailbox. I know, I know. Get used to it, right? I'm just saying that the audacity element hits you pretty hard when you first realize that you're being billed for a service that you didn't see coming. Case in point: we've received a bill from some local Fire authority and the county library system. Julie kindly refers to these as "dues" and not bills. The kicker is that one of these reminders is addressed to a former occupant of our address. I wonder if we can get away with not paying this fee since it's not technically addressed to us? Leave your legal advice in the comments.
This week, I like the fact that you can buy a Kate Gosselin wig to complete your Halloween costume. This is just too good. Kate is probably vain enough to be insulted by the advent of this product. If it doesn't get under her skin then surely the moniker of "female reverse mullet" given to her hairdo by the very same Today show morning staff that usually swoons all over Kate rubs her the wrong way. I wonder if she'll change her style anytime soon?
This week, I love being reminded of our honeymoon in Bermuda. The four major championship winners have been playing the annual PGA Grand Slamevent at the Port Royal Golf Course this week. Man, I wish I was back there! Unlike Birmingham, Bermuda is small enough to the point where you have to be nice to everyone because you're very likely to cross paths with the same individuals several times each day. Everything is so pleasant there and the images seen in the background of the golf tournament's TV coverage takes me right back to the most special week of my life.
This week, I don't like the fact that I have many pairs of nice dress pants in my closet that don't fit. I'm not blaming Julie for my unwanted girth but being married to someone with culinary skills that would rival a 5-star chef is hazardous to your wardrobe. My plan has been to simply not eat as much and no more snacking. This has been my plan for a long time now. My parents never let me quit anything I started and now that I've told you and the rest of the Internet of my intent, I'm going to stick to it! Just a few pounds and I'll be back in those pants. As we are in the midst of college football (tailgates!!!) and with the holidays just around the corner (Oreo Balls!!!), my challenge will be difficult and temptation will be all around me. That's why I need your help. Ask me about my plan's progress the next time you see me and make me stick to my word!
The following clip sums up how I feel each time I try to put on a pair of my dress pants. SHB - this clip is for you!!
This week I like my special New Orleans breakfast. I only make it on rare occasions, such as this past Saturday morning. My New Orleans breakfast consists of a bountiful portion of Steak Benedict along with a Bloody Mary or two. What was so special about this past Saturday morning? Nothing, really. Auburn's game kicked off at 11:00 so I woke up about 7:00 and got things going. Everything turned out very nice and I would like to give Julie a special acknowledgement for her help with the Hollandaise sauce on Friday night. Side note: Why is it dubbed a "New Orleans" breakfast? Mainly because the best Bloody Mary in America is served at Commander's Palace in New Orleans. Also, New Orleans was special to me way before Katrina and I usually rank the Cresent City #2 in my annual listing of best cities/towns in the USA...right behind Camden, AL.
This week, I love the fact that Julie wants to spend every waking moment at my side. Fun fact: left undisturbed, Julie can slumber until at least noon on a Saturday. Well, maybe not noon but she can go for a while. You can imagine my surprise this past Saturday morning when Julie came staggering down the steps at 7:30 and curled up beside me on the couch just as the New Orleans breakfast was about to start. She indicated that everything was OK but that she just wanted to be with me. Can you beat that, America? Almost made me cry in my Bloody Mary. Almost. In all seriousness, there is no better feeling than to know that you are loved.
This week, I don't like the fact that the Nobel Peace prize can be awarded to someone that does not follow through on campaign promises and totally fouls up his home city's chance of winning an Olympic bid just by becoming involved with the selection process.
As Nick mentioned on a previous post I have decided to take on the challenge of reupholstering some furniture! My mother-in-law got me interested last year when she decided to take on a few I read a few books and decided that I could do it. I started with the easiest project... a parsons chair which we use for a desk chair in our office/den. Here are some before and after pictures.
Before - I know a perfectly good chair and I am about to take it apart.
The sofa in the background is next!
Working Hard
Its not perfect, but I was pleased with how it turned out! My new toy definitely made all the difference! I started out with an electric staple gun and that just wasn't getting the job done so Nick went out and bought me an air compressor with an air staple gun!!!! IT IS AWESOME!
Nick's sofa is next on the agenda! The fabric has been ordered so hopefully we can get started on that project soon.
There are some things that I don't appreciate about living in Birmingham but I have to admit that I finally have come to like the convenience factor of living in Birmingham. Case in point: Julie expressed a desire for a staple gun with a lot more "oomph" to it. Solution? We took a two minute drive to Lowe's and got a stapler that would do the job. Case closed. Boom. Tears dried. I can't say that such a feat would have been so easily accomplished in towns that I previously lived in.
This week, I love The President's Cup. I'll take this event over the Ryder Cup anyday. Why? Because the President's Cup pits the U.S.ofA. against the WORLD - not just Europe. And just because we have Tiger on our side doesn't mean it's going to be cakewalk. Everything about this event is just cool. I mean, Michael Jordan is serving in an advisory role to the US team!
This week, I don't like knowing that Margie Grace is getting older! That means that I am getting A LOT older! Margie Grace Wilder was born about the time Julie and I first started dating. In fact, Julie actually thought that I was trying to blow her off when I told her that my cousins had a baby. Long story for another day but HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARGIE GRACE!
I had the pleasure of making this little outfit for Britton Giffen. It was supposed to be a baby gift, but I am about a year and a half late. Not sure what the rule is about baby gifts, but I am sure that my time limit expired a long time ago!
Not quite sure why I haven't posted in so long, but all is well and I hope to do a better job this month than last.
For those of you who live in Birmingham I am sure that you have noticed the new shop that opened near Whole Foods called Yogurt Mountain (or as all the cool kids call it "Yo Mo"). We had the pleasure of trying out the new place on Friday night. Basically you walk in grab a bowl pick from about 15 different flavors of self-serve yogurt then proceed to the topping bar! Toppings include, but are not limited to, cereal, fresh fruit, sprinkles, and every candy under the sun! Yum!
We had a great time and cannot wait to go back. Highly recommend it if you haven't been.