This was a special tournament. A very good friend of mine attended a practice round at Augusta on the Tuesday before the tournament started. He brought back lots of great photos, videos and stories. I was fortunate to watch the final round with him on Sunday and it was very interesting to listen to someone that had been there just a few days prior describe the course layout.
This week, I love downloadable schedules for Outlook. I downloaded the 2011 schedule for th

This week, I don’t like Kwikset locks with the Smart Key feature. Remember when Julie painted our front door? I tried to make the project easier by removing the deadbolt and door knob for her. When I re-installed the deadbolt, it would not lock and unlock at all. The door knob lock didn’t work properly either, but would suffice. I found a cool replacement deadbolt from Kwikset that had a neat feature that
would give you, a common citizen, the ability to rekey the deadbolt. I purchased said deadbolt and installed it with the greatest of ease. But somehow I missed a step in the rekeying instructions and made it so that NO key would work on this spanking new lock. I researched Youtube and found some helpful videos but nothing I tried corrected the problem. I even managed to stump a locksmith that came by the house (he charged me a service fee). Fed up, I purchased a door knob/deadbolt set from Lowes and had them rekey both locks for less than I paid for the first deadbolt. I should have done this first and not even bothered with the deadbolt with the Smart Key feature. DON’T GET ONE TODAY!

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