How in the world are these two 9 months old??? I knew it would go fast but we seem to be moving at lightening speed these days! I feel like each month has been defined by certain milestones and our milestone for 9 months is most definitely....drum roll please................................................................... SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT!!!!!!!! Wow did that take a long time. Nick and I were starting to wonder if it would ever happen, but thankfully it did! Harris got over his sleep strike and is sleeping like a champ! If it wasn't for Harris...Ellen would probably have started sleeping through the night months ago. Sorry Ellen!
But with lots of sleep comes lots of activity during the day! They are busy, busy, busy exploring and doing their best to keep up with their big brother.
Our schedule these days looks something like this:
6:00 Wake Up
6:30 Bottle (7 oz)
7:30 Breakfast
8:45-9:30 Nap
9:30 Bottle (7 oz)
11:30 Lunch
1:00-3:00 Nap
3:00 Bottle (7 oz)
5:30 Dinner
6:00 Bottle (7 oz)
6:30 Bath
6:45 Bed
Their current stats are:
Ellen - 14 pounds 12 ounces
26 1/2 inches
Harris - 17 pounds 4 ounces
27 3/4 inches
We spent part of Graham's Spring Break in Auburn visiting with Gramma Jane and Popa. This is where mom had to stay most of the time to keep this crew from falling down the stairs. Pretty soon after we left she decided that she didn't want that job anymore and got a baby gate!
We love that the weather is starting to warm up and we get to be outside more. Most afternoons we go outside for a stroll, swing or to watch Graham play. We are really looking forward to backyard pool time this summer!
Once again sleep is certainly our biggest milestone, but Harris is also extremely mobile. He has mastered crawling and pulls up on anything and everything including his sister (she hates that). He loves, loves, loves to eat. He starts shaking and bouncing when he sees a bottle and has been known to down his bottle and finish off whatever Ellen may have left behind....or just take her bottle even when she isn't finished.
Even though he is sleeping through the night he is still usually the first one up in the morning (5:45ish). I do my best to get in there quickly and grab him before he wakes up Ellen. So he hangs out in my room the hunger pains are so bad that he just can't take it anymore.
Harris loves - eating, shoelaces, watching Graham, having his back scratched, the song "This is the Day," swinging and being held. He is s stinker, but he adds so much personality and fun to our family! Love you Harris Boy!
Where Harris had a big month last month this month Ellen had a big month. She started crawling, pulling up AND got her first two teeth! She has been quite busy. It's hard work trying to keep up with Harris, but she one upped him with getting teeth first.
She still loves to dance and gets the biggest smile on her face whenever she hears music.
She isn't as passionate about her bottle as Harris is but she LOVES food! She might be tiny, but the girl can pack down the food.
She still loves her paci and now she likes to have one in her mouth AND one in both hands. If she spies one in Harris' mouth you better believe she will go and snatch it!
Ellie you are so sweet and spunky all rolled into one and we love the pizzazz you bring to this crew!
Here are their monthly pictures (minus 4 months). They don't even look like the same babies I brought home from the hospital.
1 Month |
2 Months |
3 Months
Oops! Didn't get a 4 Month Picture |
5 Months |
6 Months |
7 Months |
8 Months

9 Months
This month the outtakes are worth sharing. It is getting more and more difficult to get these monthly pictures.
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