As Nick mentioned in his post, we have been blessed beyond measure these past few weeks with several baby showers. I wasn't sure I would ever feel as loved and supported as I did when we got married, but this is certainly a close second. I know that it is the norm these days to have showers and parties when you get married and when you have a me I love hosting showers myself, but it takes on a whole new meaning when you are the one being honored.
Words cannot begin to express how grateful we are for all of our friends and family who have joined us in celebrating the upcoming arrival of our son. Nick and I already love him more than we ever thought possible, but it is overwhelming when those around you express their love for him by showering us with extremelty generous gifts.
A few weeks ago, we traveled to my hometown for our first shower. Some of my mom's very best friends hosted a beautiful shower at my home church. It was a special weekend in many ways, and we were truly smothered in love and kindness.
This deserves an explanation. This is one of our dearest friends, Mrs. Shirley West. She lived across the street from us growing up, and to this day our families are still very close. The weekend before the shower Dr. and Mrs. West were in Auburn visiting my parents. Nick and I were also in town for the football game. The fabrics for the nursery had just come in, so I brought them with me to show my mom and Ellen. Well of course I had to show Mrs. West too! For those of you who don't know Mrs. West...she is the science queen. She taught science for many years and more recently has founded Turtle Point Environmental Science Center. She loves all things related to the ocean, so I knew she would love my sea turtle, fish, octopus themed nursery.
While shopping for a baby gift, she spotted this guy for Graham's nursery! You should have seen my face when I saw his eyes peering out the top of the gift bag! What a perfect gift, and I LOVE that it came from her. We have named him Herman West. Herman was Nick's pet turtle when he was a little boy, and West is in honor of Mrs.West. Can't wait to snap that first picture of Graham with his turtle.
A few weeks later, several of my co-workers, co-workers' wives, and one of my best friends, Bethany, hosted a shower here in Birmingham. Once again I was overwhelmed with everyone's generosity. It was a sweet afernoon with family and friends!
And just this week, the girls in my Sunday School Class hosted a diapers and wipes shower. We do this for each other when someone in the class has a baby, and it is such a sweet time of fellowship. At each shower we take time to pray for the baby and the parents. It was a special evening for me, and I am so thanful for our amazing Sunday School community. I somehow managed to come away with no pictures, but here is the loot they sent me home with! I think we are set for a while!
What a special season in life! We are beside ourselves with excitment about Graham's upcoming arrival and are reminded how loved and supported we are by our family and friends. Thank you for immersing us with your generosity! We are forever grateful.